The Inventory module contains functions related to;
    Adding and editing Warehouses and Items,
    Issueing items to Jobs,
    Adjusting inventory quantity or book values,
    and Inventory Reports.

Although inventory may be added and removed directly via inventory adjustments, most additions come from a Purchase Order\Payable and most reductions come from a Sales Order\Invoice or Issues to a Job. 

In addition to inventory items, the system also allows the use of non-inventory items.  Non-inventory items can be used on a Payable and\or Invoice to speed data entry by automatically defaulting; the line item description, the expense account, and the item price\cost.  They can also be used for A\P and\or A\R reports based on the item number.  For example, you could get a report that shows every customer (and invoice) that purchased a particular item, such as Widget A, in the last six months even though the inventory system isn't tracking that items on hand quantity or total book value.

All Wolven Inventory systems provide the following capabilities. 
    Inventory can be tracked for multiple warehouses. 
    View up to the minute quantites on hand and on order. 
    Easily adjust inventory quantities, average cost, book values, etc. 
    Transfer items from one warehouse to another. 
    Track and expense items used for a particular Job. 
    Track items bought\sold by a posting date range. 
    Keep multiple years worth of inventory detail and\or summary information. 

    Run detailed and summary reports by warehouse, item, journal type, posting date, etc. 

    Inquiry program where you can drill down from item totals to summaries by month, and from there to the individual detail transactions.  Then double click any detail transaction to go directly to the source document that created that transaction.  For example, double clicking an AP journal type detail transaction will open the Payable Edit or Inquiry program directly to the particlar Payable that created that transaction. 

The screen shot below shows the Items screen of the Inventory Inquiry program. 


Wolven (wul-ven) n.
 1. Shield Wolf.
 2. In ancient legends,
   a white, winged,
   wolf-like creature;
   a personal guardian;
   a symbol of protection.