The Accounts Payable module contains all of the functions related to;
    Vendor Bills,
    Bill Payments and other Expenditures,
    Bank Reconciliation,
    and all A\P Reports.

The A\P system generally remains the same from one organization to the next.  Essentially, it's used for entering, editing and tracking bills from vendors and paying those bills.  The payment method may vary from; checks, credit cards, and other types of electronic transfers.  Once a month the bank statement needs to be reconciled to the check register and the G\L bank account.

Some of the customizations various organizations require are;
    Automatic generation of Invoice line items associated with a Payable.
    Integration with other modules such as Inventory, Job Costing, etc.

All Wolven A\P systems provide the following capabilities. 
    Option to create Purchase Orders that can then be automatically converted to a Payable. 
    Ability to copy a payable from one month to the next. 
    Virtually unlimited detail lines per PO\Payable. 
    A complete history of changes made to detail lines. 
    Multiple years worth of payable and payment information. 
    Multiple bank accounts. 
    Make payments using, check, card, electronic transfer, etc. 
    Void a payment and automatically reset the payable back to the unpaid status. 

    The ability to select Payables for payment by multiple methods such as; a range of due dates, vendor, payable number and specially "marked" payables.  Or you can pay a single payable at any time directly from the Payable Edit program.

    Standard and custom A\P reports such as Open\Aged reports.
    Various payable, payment, and check register listings by vendor, payable date, payment date, entry date, posting date, etc. 

    Inquiry program to view All, Purchase Order, Payable, or Paid vendor invoices.  See all of the detail lines and their change history.  See all of the payments made on a payable.  Double click on a detail or payment line to automatically open up the appropriate edit program to make changes or see more information.

The screen shot below shows the Payable Summary screen of the A\P Inquiry program.  The payable 16-3990 for $212.31 has been paid by check # 16-1642 and the check is currently outstanding (i.e. hasn't been marked as "returned" from the bank yet).  The "Detail" tab would show the detail line(s) that make up the $212.31 total.  The "Notes" tab would show any notes associated with this payable.


Wolven (wul-ven) n.
 1. Shield Wolf.
 2. In ancient legends,
   a white, winged,
   wolf-like creature;
   a personal guardian;
   a symbol of protection.